Best Mortgage Networks / IFA Networks in 2022

The table below shows the best mortgage networks / IFA networks in 2022. 

From the FCA register, we have prepared a list of compliance networks showing the number of appointed representatives (ARs) they had at the end of year 2021 and how many left and joined them in 2022 and how many they have now at the end of 2022. From the table below, it is very clear that among the top 10 networks, the biggest losers are Tenet Group and Sesame, and biggest gainers are Stonebridge Group and The Right Mortgage in 2022.

Many advisors, 110 to be exact, left Tenet Network and 102 advisors left Sesame Network. In the case of Tenet Group, it amounts to 23% of the total ARs at the start of 2022 who left Tenet Group in 2022. In case of Sesame, it amounts to 28% of the total
ARs who left Sesame in 2022.

On the other hand, 99 firms of appointed representatives joined The Right Mortgage and 152 firms of appointed representatives joined Stonebridge Group.

See how much profit your network is making

Tenet Group could only attract 4 new appointed representatives in 2022. This is embarrassingly low. When other networks are attracting new advisors in hundreds, Tenet could only attract 4. Sesame also could attract very few appointed representatives, 9 to be exact.The coming year 2023 is expected to be even tougher for these networks especially for Tenet which are already in record financial losses.

Another big loser is Quilter. 188 firms of appointed representatives left Quilter during the year 2022 and only 36 joined in the same period. In other words, 14% of the total Appointed Representatives left Quilter in 2022.  

From smaller compliance networks, Ingard lost 25% of its ARs. 12 firms left Ingard and only 1 joined in 2022. Their total strength has reduced from 44 to 33 ARs. ValidPath, The Dragon Network and Beneficial Life gain 29, 46 and 33 ARs in 2022 respectively.  

  Total Joined in 2022 Left in 2022 In 2021
Quilter 1176 36 188 1328
PRIMIS 1022 100 118 1040
Openwork Ltd 680 45 76 711
Stonebridge Group 489 152 92 429
HLPartnership 452 68 47 431
Mortgage Advice Bureau 391 22 36 405
The Right Mortgage 373 99 37 311
Tenet Group 372 4 110 478
Sesame (AR) 272 9 102 365
Connect for intermediaries 219 51 40 208
In Partnership Network 211 23 18 206
New Leaf Distribution Ltd 147 23 27 151
Mortgage Intelligence 146 14 6 138
Sense 123 10 10 123
ValidPath 90 29 7 68
The Dragon Network 79 46 27 60
Beneficial Life (London) Ltd 54 33 9 30
Julian Harris Mortgage Network 49 3 14 60
Ingard 33 1 12 44
Lighthouse Advisory services (Quilter) 27 0 23 50
JLM Mortgage Services Network 27 5 4 26
Peritus Network 8 1 2 9
Abacus Funding Ltd 3 0 9 12
The Finance Planning Group 2 0 2 4
Broker Network 1 0 0 1
Abundance Network 1 1 1 1
  6,659             974    1,019 6,704
Table of Best and Worst Mortgage Networks / IFA Networks in 2022

1- Quilter Includes Quilter Financial Planning Solutions Limited, Quilter Financial Services Ltd and Quilter Mortgage Planning Ltd.

2- PRIMIS includes First Complete Ltd, Personal Touch Financial Services Ltd and Advance Mortgage Funding Ltd 

3- Tenet Group includes TenetConnet Ltd, TenetLime Ltd and Tenet Connect Services Ltd.

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3 thoughts on “Best Mortgage Networks / IFA Networks in 2022

  1. Pingback: List of blogs about Tenet Network - Tenet Network

  2. Raja Iftikhar

    DO NOT JOIN, Mat is only interested in making money out of you and being famous. Costed me over £10,000, they will keep your Proc fee , Commission fee, and will mess up your life. No morals or compassion shown. Very nice until you have problem. Many others contacted me for problem with the proc fee too. Joined them, 2 months after that decided to charge me £95 a month extra with no option to opt out. If you want a leech who suck you out for money and leave your pockets empty then join them.

  3. Raja Iftikhar

    DO NOT JOIN Beneficial , Mat is only interested in making money out of you and being famous. Costed me over £10,000, they will keep your Proc fee , Commission fee, and will mess up your life. No morals or compassion shown. Very nice until you have problem. Many others contacted me for problem with the proc fee too. Joined them, 2 months after that decided to charge me £95 a month extra with no option to opt out. If you want a leech who suck you out for money and leave your pockets empty then join them.


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